/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies


:: So barefoot we shall go. ::

Day 10. Location recce in the afternoon, so decided to wear something casual and lightweight so I wouldn't roll over and die from heatstroke in the sweltering heat. It worked perfectly for the first part of the recce, until we reached Punggol Waterway where it was raining cats and dogs. Great. Soaked jeggings are so professional.

Basically, I just wore a spaghetti top and jeggings. Like, on a Wednesday. Added my sandy shrug to cover up at the office though. 

Paired my clothes with this necklace from New Zealand, which says "So barefoot we shall go". Many fond memories of our time spent with family and friends there. On my most recent trip there, I chanced upon this lovely necklace at The Base Shopping Centre, Hamilton.

Yet another whimsical piece to add to my accessory collection. Chuffed. I wear this necklace especially when I miss the hubby and Bielet - the bike is symbolic of the hubby and the time he rode me home on his bike *beams* while the barefoot bit harks back to December when Bielet was still learning how to walk, and refused to wear her shoes. The chain of events which happened last year is probably what sparked off our guts to throw in the towel, and embark on our impractical hope of a round-the-world adventure. But hey, so barefoot we shall go right?

Not very apparent here, but the woven piping around the top was what drew me to this spag

Love the bold colours and clashing details on this bag

:: WBW ::
Top : Esprit
Shrug : Saturday
Jeggings : Uniqlo
Bag : Fashiondolly
Shoes : Moda Paolo
Rings : Calvin Klein
Necklace : Neverland


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