/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies


:: Recycle Me ::

Day 39. I can't keep wearing t-shirts and shorts everyday right? If not for this 90 days challenge, that would be my uniform. So, I upped the ante and put on something pretty to meet my friend Yules to discuss some work. (Yup, talk about a short break but it's just some freelance assignments so nothing too strenuous I hope!)

Lookie! ((: Decided on this pose for dramatic effect. Laughs. Clinched the dress in with an OTT shatter-patterned gold obi belt. The last time I wore this combi was to a ceremony at my hubby's workplace. I love how theatrical the sleeves are - right about ready to hit those Cantonese opera tunes!

And my colourful clutch is recycled from soft drink cans! This clutch is really roomy and can fit my fat wallet, key pouch, blackberry (and even a cardigan when I last used it!) Makes me crave a can of coke every time I look at it. Hee

My first assignment deadline is Monday! Panics!

:: WBW ::
Dress : Loef
Belt : Society Mixer
Bag : Pushcart from Vivocity


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