/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies


Most Difficult Boss. Ever.

My boss forces me to work from 8 in the morning until 12 midnight. Every day.

Nothing seems to please her. Nothing.
When I’m working on my laptop, she points relentlessly at any phrase or picture that bothers her and clucks unhappily.
When I’m trying to find an item or document she wants, she shrieks at the top of her voice – which hardly helps.
When she wants her lunch, I have to get it pronto, or else. And God forbid I get the wrong lunch in because she will spit it all over me.

Everything I do crosses all the wrong boxes with her. Really.
She snatches my Blackberry when it rings and ends my call before I even pick it up.
She rants at me aggressively when I gently highlight a mistake of hers.
She expects me to assist with every simple task – cleaning her mouth with a tissue, assist putting on her clothes and footwear, fetching her container of water.

But, Nothing makes me happier than being able to make her pleased. Oddly?
When she bursts into a gaggle of laughs upon seeing me first thing in the morning, my heart leaps.
When she turns over and gives me a bear hug out of the blue, a huge grin manifests on my face.
When I’m feeling under the weather, she somehow senses it and strokes my head lightly.

And, Everything is more worthwhile now that I spend my days and nights with her.  Truly.
My heart melted the first time she looked me straight in my eye and cooed “Mama”.
My heart never knew that much love as when I first cradled her in my arms.
My heart can never be broken as long as she is around.

Most difficult boss, ever, my baby boss. Also, the best boss, ever.


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