/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies


To School, Bielet, to school

The kindergarten that I wanted to enrol Bielet in rang to inform that there were a few slots left. If I wanted to confirm Bielet's place, I had to register and make a deposit in the next couple of days. Unsurprisingly, I appeared at its office the very next morning!

So yes, Bielet will be going for a two hour pre-nursery session come 2013. Omgggg, I hear? As far as parents go, I think I'm quite lax already, but it's really important that Bielet starts playgroup as her social interaction skills are rather kerok. Not that we can blame her. She's only around us fuddy-duddies and doesn't have other young siblings, cousins or friends whom she meets up and plays with regularly. And no, Bielet isn't going into any branded preschool - just one of the neighbouring church kindies ((: While other parents might shoot me down for not even trying to squeeze Bielet into one of the kindergartens with a more established or rigorous academic curriculum, I feel that a proper upbringing and the right values trump all that. (Aside - there's always enrichment classes. Like, tonnes of enrichment classes. LOL)

Before you doze off and wonder what the heck this post has got to do with our lookbook, I present Bielet's school uniform! Behold the mini sartorialist in her bold maroon pullover with her hair let down, or simply donning her robin blue pinafore in a laidback ponytail:

And of course I'm kidding! Like which neighbouring church kindie is called Stanford University?! But doesn't Bielet look all grown up and ready for school in the outfit? Thought it was quite apt that she was dressed all ready for school on the day that I confirmed her enrollment (; As for the blue frock, it's just a simple dress that Papa got for her from Thailand when he went for work. Hee.

Now I'm getting all worried about bullies in school. And oh, the boys! Have you seen how quickly Bielet chases them boys? Someone's obviously not embarrassed...

:: WHW ::
Dress : Thailand
Pullover : Aberthen?! Stanford University (Gift from my bro when he went for his comp!)


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