/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies

So after blogging on my bed time blues with Bielet, I kinda recalled that I wrote something about her snooze antics before. True enough, I dug out one of my fb notes and thought it would be a nice addition to my blog. Hee.

This was when she was 5mo and I had just gone back to work after luxuriating in 4mths of maternity leave.

When Bielet sleeps with arms poised in a surrender, she is deep in slumber.
She also likes to sleep with arms outstretched. Cute as it may be, I am somewhat cheesed off when that means I have no place to lie cuz I don't want to crush her tiny arm or shift her back to her rightful spot on her pillow...
If her arms are pointing down, she will be waking up soon.

She has established a new position the past week - sleeping on her side, cosying up to me :)
Maybe it's cuz ZX is away and there is no Papa to protect or sayang her for now.

Bielet makes a big fuss normally at 3am or 4am, tossing and turning from side to side, but I realise she's actually sleeping (or semi-sleeping) cuz her cute little eyes are still shut.
When she is actually ready to sleep proper without any more drama, she turns on her side to face me (still asleep) and splats her hands into my face to announce her decision that the wayang is over.

Her small fingers curl up.
Her cheeks stop their chubby-ing as she no longer sucks her lower lip-cum-imaginary pacifier.
Her little chest rises up and down ever so slightly.
Her tiny hot breath puffs into my temple.

With me back at work, what little time I have with Bielet is so precious.
I love having her sleep next to me.
Every inch of the little her.

Goodnight sweetheart. Meet in dreamland! Xoxo.

[Penned 26 Mar 2011]

Plus some old pictures of Little Bie when she was just a tiny baby. They really grow up so fast, don't they?!?!?!

One of the cuddles I got from Bielet in her sleep :))

This uber cute face is sooooooooooo irresistible! How to not plant a big fat kiss on her chubby cheek?!

Mid-pout when she was sucking her imaginary pacifier. Heart.

And to be greeted by her lovely mop of bed hair in the morning. Hee.


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