Back then, social media was just starting up so ZX posted a few photos of our trip on fb (I was valiantly trying to keep offline and hadn't even set up a personal account then). Decided I want to post my personal favourites now too, so here they are! #extra Ps. Given that my memory is pffft, I'll try to give my take on the vacay as best I can.
{Relax in the quaintest accommodation}
Possums B&B (website)
This was our first lodging and mannnnnn did it set the tone for our blissful vacay. We took the Spa Suite and particularly loved the little outdoor nook for picturesque views as we had our meals.
Hatchers Richmond Manor (website)
ZX wanted a farmstay so this stay at Shepherd's Attic was our compromise. (I didn't want an actual one where we had to work for our keep hehhhh.) The plantations that went on for miles and the many farm animals we came across was such a treat, and it reminded me very much of New Zealand. More photos of the farm later on.
Wagner's Cottages (website)
Oh, how I absolutely adored this accomm. There was just something so magical about the cottage itself, the gorgeous setting and it was my favourite of all five lodgings. For once, I knocked out the entire night (and morning). In fact, I overslept so we had to rush through the breakfast that ZX cooked and drive like mad to reach our day excursion! In any case, I would definitely head back to this beautiful cottage if we went back to Tasmania.
Bicheno Hideaway (website)
With the sea just steps away from your doorstep, this secluded spot is perfect for those seeking a quiet retreat or who simply want to bask in nature's glory. We booked Chalet 3, which is right at the end of the premises and super private. If I remember right, the owners came here for their honeymoon and loved it so much that they decided to buy over the place. Sweet!
Our accommodation for the last two nights, I really digged the art deco of the entire place but our photos turned out crap so just view the website if you're considering this accomm. While not self-contained like the rest of our lodgings, this was a superb location in the city and really convenient. We actually had ourselves too fun a time that we both overslept on our last morning and missed our flight to Melbourne and the connecting one back to Singapore. Ugh. Expenses++
{Tuck into exceptionally divine meals from fresh, local produce}
Did you spot the Richmond Bakery & Cafe sign?
The romantic Peppermint Bay
{Revel in the beauties of nature}
Almost close enough to touch the clouds at Mt Wellington!
Someone had to boulder on every rock. Crazy.
Tasman Bridge
Snap mid-drive
Got photobombed by some bird. Bleah.
St John's Chapel
Lots of horses on the farm! Prep yourselves!
Continuing to explore the large surrounds of our farmstay
There was even an odd car wreck on the farm grounds
Callington Mill: restored to full working condition!
My sherpa-looking (then) boyfriend. Love.
Even random pit stop also pwetty
{Share out-of-the-world experiences together}
1. Take a walk up to Cape Tourville Lighthouse
2. Ride an ATV (we booked through All4adventure)
3. Definitely soak up the beautiful Wineglass Bay
And climb some rocks when you're there...
4. A more spectacular way of viewing the splendours of Wineglass Bay is on water (we took the full wineglass cruise with champagne and oysters here)
Their resident dog!
Would you check out the gathering of penguins!
5. If you aren't easily spooked, drop into one of their gaols to see how convicts were housed (we went to Richmond Gaol and I was really creeped out...)
Cute loo signs notwithstanding
6. Be awestruck by the penguin march (ours was with Bicheno Penguin Tours)
7. Do some more climbing! We went to The Climbing Edge but it has since shut down. A quick google search will get you other indoor climbing facilities though.
8. Head to Grandvewe Cheeses to see sheep milking demos and sample different cheeses and wines
9. Go on a Cadbury factory tour! All together now, wouldn't it be nice if the world was Cadbury.......
10. And of course, still have time (and money) to shop up a storm
{Other random stuff}
A thought-provoking campaign to promote responsible driving which really stuck and I've kept it in mind ever since.
"It's a speed limit. Not a challenge."
Us at Changi before boarding the plane
Touch down bright and early! Pardon the finger.
Right, I'm looking really chaobin here but it was a really good hair day! Second favourite hairstyle to date. #boliao
ZX took the instruction a bit too seriously
Bikes all lined up
That's the end, goodbyes!
Our travels used to be so jam-packed and involved really active activities. Ah, to be young and fit. That, and also to save my pocket from over-shopping; plus of course, ZX is hardly the best shopping companion. Nowadays, we still don't really do shopping on our vacays and our activities are confined to max two a day. Because we need to factor in regular mealtimes, clean toilets within a sprint away (or at least, not too dirty), naptimes, the-mother-of-all-tantrums time and kid-friendly stuff. We did try a staycation for the two of us just before Bieny was born, but ZX and I missed Bielet so much that we brought her over for the second night.
At the end of the day, what matters most to ZX and I is the time spent together as a family, and we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world :))
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