/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

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meet the fam #thechennies

A Christmas Swatch

It's the start of my crazy (work) period, plus we're heading off for our vacay next week, so it might get a little quiet on the blog-front. Since crazy = lack of sleep = moody, I decided to cheer myself up and buy a little something. Materialistic, much? Nothing fancy though, just a pretty little Swatch one - which happens to be their latest Christmas one! Now who doesn't get all fuzzy when it comes to Christmas? #mamacantwaitforchristmas is my hashtag for that, btw. LOL

Set in gorgeous glitter (speaking as if it's dripping with diamonds heh), the watch looks like the perfect ornament to your festive sprig. I can so imagine a tree with just these glittery, gold watches!

The watch design is pretty simple. There's a generous smattering of gold glitter dusted across the clear strap, making it translucent gold, and reminiscent of a Christmas window display. (Figure of speech, by the way, it's not some cheap glitter that comes off when you move/shake your wrist, but a glitter print on the strap.) A cute touch is the tiny fig tree at the bottom of the watch face, which has a fresh colour every few hours or so. It could be a green tree today, blue base and red atop with white stars tomorrow or even one huge candle the day after. It takes quite long for the pattern to change, although if you can't wait, just twist the dials to come up with a pattern/colour you fancy.

Instead of the usual watch boxes, this Christmas ed comes in a festive cylindrical box and you can turn the outer layer of box to change the colours of those little Christmas trees (like the tree on the watch face).

Maybe it's because everyone else is soaking in the festive spirit, but somehow just putting on the watch every morning before I head out, immediately lifts MY spirits. Too long never buy things for myself?! #asif

During my watch frenzy a few years back, I bought a whole array of corporate-friendly watches to wear for work. I ended up wearing just one rubber Casio G-Shock watch with this hologram-like rainbow rim. My parents used to get me leather-strapped watches in primary and secondary school, and while classy (and expensive!), it was probably not as appropriate for a hyperactive and very sweaty kid. Let's just say the watches smelt rather salty. So I always wanted a rubber watch. And Casio at that.

Then when my sister went to secondary school and started putting on those very cool-looking Swatch watches, I was all like WAH if jie wears this, must be cool club. Granted we two used to fight like crazy growing up - teenage angst, whaddaya expect - I have always looked up to her so I kind of coveted what she had. (Single white female alert!)

This was the watch my sis used to tog almost everyday! 
(Source: www.swatchandbeyond.com)

I guess I must have asked my parents for a new watch: "To spur me on for my A Levels" must have sounded like a fantastic reason (excuse!) so they got me the sushi Swatch. It was a brown strap (like a sushi mat or wooden block) and had varying sizes of sushi rolls adorning it. This particular edition came with a pair of Swatch chopsticks, sushi magnets and a serving dish for real sushi too! I still have those chopsticks and sushi dish :DD

Yummeroos LOL 
(Source: www.swatchandbeyond.com)

When ZX won a climbing comp in uni, he scored a Swatch voucher and instead of getting himself a new watch (he wears the $20 Casio watch that army boys used to wear - now all wear super expensive/branded watches - lucky kids), he got me a feminine bracelet watch in monochrome. SO SWEET RIGHT (married the right man lol).

So girly, eh? 
(Source: rakuten.com)

But this woman, ah, is too much of a tomboy to wear such a girly watch (I need super big, large watch face that usually only come in guywatch-edition) so the poor watch just collected dust (or not, because I kept it in the box). Actually, I still have my sushi Swatch and the rest of the Swatches my sis passed to me (when she spring cleaned and decided she didn't want them anymore). Perhaps I should clean them up, change a fresh set of batteries and put them on again. There's just something about Swatches that are so fun!

Um. Then again, I think I only want my Christmas Swatch now. HAHAHAHA

1 comment:

  1. Is there anyone who can recommend the best product among the ones listed here?
    Best Alarm Clock

