/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies

Given the scale of Christmas celebrations everywhere, it's not hard to get caught up in the festivities and glitz of the occasion. Amidst that, the cause for cheer harks back to the birth of Jesus and that inspired our most recent Christmas edition playdate. For those unfamiliar with the story, an angel appears and tells Mary that she will give birth to Jesus, the son of God - hence the angel chains (that, and because the girls love snipping away with their scissors). Psst: get similar free printable e-books tailored for children here.

We kicked off the playdate with Sonia with a story on Jesus's birth. Bielet received the storybook from her best friend at school on her last birthday. She enjoyed it so much that I had to re-read the book several times when she first unwrapped it!

Those keen on this read can get it from good ol' Popular bookstore.

Thanks for the snap, Winnie! (Please pardon my champion hunchback...)

Then we went on to make really easy peasy angel chains!

Here's my prototype angel chain. I tried different deco alternatives so the children could see and replicate the version they preferred.

1. Fold the paper in quarters (for 4 angels) and draw the outlines
Cut a sheet of A4 paper in half (use portrait for plumper angels and landscape for taller angels). Fold the cut sheet in half, then fold the front and back sheets inwards towards the initial fold. It's important that you fold it right so that it opens out to a continuous chain later on. If you want the angels to stand upright, swap flimsy paper for sturdy cardboard (harder to cut though).

Next, pencil in the outline of the angel for the children to cut out. Mine were really simple lines and curves as Bielet and Sonia are only 4 and 2 respectively. For older children, you can consider more complex outlines.

2. Decorate the angels with whatever you have!
Here are some materials I used for our angels.

[A] Glitter pipe cleaners (Daiso): Bend them into haloes and accessories such as necklaces, belts and sashes.
[B] Hologrammed self-adhesive chiyogami paper (Daiso): Cut into smaller pieces for dresses or other decorative patterns.
[C] Glitter markers (Spotlight): Doodle everywhere!
[D] Confetti, unpictured: Paste them anywhere. I used leftovers of Bielet's snowglobe materials from her birthday goodie bags
[E] Patterned tape, unpictured: Really good for angel wigs lol.

Bielet on her third set of angel chains. She loved the craft so much that she did this set the day after our playdate.

The very first 'test' angel. See what I mean about the tape making fantastic wigs?

Rather lonely...
...Until her friends come along! My chain at top, followed by Bieny's (she really pasted the tapes across the angels and coloured in some fringe!), Bielet's blue and pink armies (she insisted on the googly eyes for her second set - they look more like martians...) and Sonia's (with a little help from mummy Winnie).

The girls weren't really keen on taking a photo though. I look the happiest HAHAHA. (Photo by Winnie, Mess by the kids *ahem*)

Can you see the angels decorating our window? #mamacantwaitforchristmas

Have a happy, merry Christmas y'all, just 4 more sleeps! Jesus is the reason for the season! :)))

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