/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies


:: Brownie with Licorice ::

Day 84. Went out to do my rounds around the shops so didn't wear anything too fancy. I got quite tired going around by MRT, but I suppose it's better than buses or cabs. Having terribly bad travel sickness means that public transport is bad for me - but being without a fixed income means that driving is even worse. Lol.

This comfy tunic is one of my faves - especially as it's brown too! Being rather short (the tunic, not me!), I usually pair it with leggings or stockings.

The last time I wore the tunic was during Bielet's first overseas vacay to Japan ((: This photo was taken at Nara. Read here if you're interested, or click on the "Japan" label on my travel blog for the complete set of posts relating to our trip.

Argh. The travel bug has bitten again and I can't wait to start planning our next trip. So, the grand plan to travel the world hasn't exactly materialised yet. Sucks.

:: WBW ::
Tunic : Babydoll
Tights : Uniqlo


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