/bɪ ə gʊd gɜ:l/ n. moniker of she who blogs here [also known as, bie]; adj. personal awesome advice to all female kiddos

meet the fam #thechennies

meet the fam #thechennies


:: Kiss Me, Robot ::

Day 74. Time to deliver the loaned games to my editor for the article! It was quite a nice feeling to walk into an unfamiliar office, and soak in the work atmosphere and stress. Okay, that sounds a bit sadistic. Not sure how to verbalise that feeling but I like a busy office (((;

Eek, bow-legged shot. Perhaps my joints are letting up and this is my future?! Painful thought. Anyways, this is officially my last pair of jeans in my wardrobe - and this is my first time wearing this old pair from back when because I finally got it altered. Hee.

The "kiss me" of my post (((: I bought this top at the same time when I purchased my lips studs which I wore earlier. Unfortunately I came to realise that it was probably a Prada-inspired print, see below, so I held off wearing this top until the season had passed for a long time. Hahahaha. Still like the print though!

(Source: Fashion Edit)

And this might be a bit odd (what's new, Bie?!) but I threw on a pair of robot earrings. Thanks to my sis for this little gift!

So an opportunity for full-time writing came up, but I prefer the flexibility of freelance and having the time to be with my family (((: While my bank account is on the demise, I think I'll stick to my guns and see how things work out. I might take up some temporary work on a flexible arrangement for a couple of months though. Exciting prospects ahead!

:: WBW ::
Top : MDS Collection
Jeans : Taiwan
Earrings : The Editor's Market


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